Thursday, July 28, 2011

Let Me Explain

When discussing with a friend how I wanted to start this blog (God, I hate that word), he said to me, “You are becoming what you hate.” Now what he meant by this was the fact that I am viewed as anti-technology and I am slowly falling into the virtual void. To get something straight right away, I am not anti-technology. I am anti-dependent upon technology. I am against those who constantly text, feel lost without their cell phone attached to their hip and cannot go 20 seconds without checking their Facebook page. I personally love being out for a day, or even a week, without a phone or computer around me. With the exception of not being able to find some ridiculous piece of memorabilia on eBay, I would be fine with the Internet going dark.

But that is a topic for another posting. This is about defending my reason for starting this… this… I need another word for blog, which I detest. What does that even mean? Ugh! Let’s go with “virtual soapbox” for now. If anyone has a better suggestion let me know.

Now on to our main point. Those who know me, know I have opinions. Those who know me well, know that I do not mind expounding upon those opinions. My passion for what I believe in runs deep, and I, maybe like is too strong a word, don’t mind arguing those points.

Also, my opinions tend to skirt the fringe a bit and that bothers some. I don’t mind saying what is on my mind, and what is probably on the mind of others but are too afraid to say it themselves for fear of looking heartless or cold. I don’t have that fear. Honesty has always been important to me, and beating around the bush or straying away from controversy just rubs me the wrong way. So, as I say, I am the world’s reality check. But even that does not address my original point of this post.

Am I allowing technology to creep into the crevices of my life? Yes, I did start a Facebook page, which I have always felt is the bane of modern society as I am not one to put every little thing I do out in the public view. But those who have seen my page know that I have no photos uploaded and I have made a total of one posting on it – and that posting stated that I would not be posting personal stuff. I have never “liked” anything anyone else has posted and I don’t even know if I have ever responded to what others have posted. So why do I have it? Networking. It’s as simple as that. I have a screenplay I am trying to either sell or get made, and I have been meeting actors and others within the industry who always ask me to “Facebook them.” (I would really rather call someone and actually talk – Oh, the humanity!) Sadly it has become a necessary evil in certain aspects. So, while I have it, I rarely use it and it will probably die a slow death if this whole movie thing doesn’t take off.

As this is getting a bit long, let’s cut it hear with some final rules I have set for myself.

1. I will not edit myself. What I mean by that is I will never go back and change a post I have made. If I change my opinion on something or, while not likely, admit I am wrong on a topic, I will state so in a new post. I will not delete or change a posting already up. I do not believe in revisionist history.

2. I will not hold back. If I believe something or have a certain opinion, I will tell you, no matter how unpopular it may be.

3. I welcome your thoughts, whether they be the same or in contrast to mine. Who knows, maybe you’ll change my mind on something.

4. This won’t just be rants on current events. I will mix it in with thoughts on films, television and other pop culture events.

So with that, I welcome you here. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe so you know when I have something else to say.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dead Celebrities

So, Amy Winehouse is dead.

Hold on, let me rephrase that, I don’t think it really came out how I meant that.

Amy Winehouse is dead. So?

That’s the only word that keeps running through my mind – so. Was this a surprise to anyone? I see the news outlets, and especially the music sector, treating this as a great tragedy. I hear odes to her talent and people spewing about how sad it is. Let’s face the truth.

Number one: she had one catchy tune, that in all honesty got overplayed, which everyone knew was a call for help. Or rather was a call that she needed help, but didn’t actually want it. Quickly, name another song she had. Buzzzzzz – too slow! So where was this great talent that she had? I mean, that hairdo may have possessed a great deal of flair, but then every woman in the sixties should have been as famous.

Number two: she, for all intents and purpose, committed suicide. She was an alcoholic and drug abuser who drank and injected/smoked herself to death. The only difference between her and the common junkie lying in the gutter was that someone claimed she had talent and gave her a record deal.

What is it with people embracing the so called talent of celebrities who off themselves? There has to come a time when we say enough. Enough of people with too much money who don’t know what to do with it except put it up their nose/in their veins/down their gullet.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the loss of a talent, and how it can be wasted, but maybe we should focus our attention on those who deserve it. While I am not going to waste space with a list of dead celebrities and who we should and should not mourn, I am going to point out that there are others who are headed down the same path. For all the Lindsey/Paris/Charlies out there, you can find a dozen more. Bring up any of their names and people will have more disparaging remarks about them than Bin Laden in his prime. But as soon as one dies, which we all know is on the horizon, the papers and news programs will be bemoaning the loss of a talented young actor/actress/pseudo-celebrity with so much going for them. When does the switch happen and why?

I don’t have an answer for all this, but I do know where my sympathies should go and who they should not be wasted on. So enough with all the misplaced condolences already. Save them for someone who deserves them.